Gleaning Among the Ghosts

    I’m involved with a local gleaning program, GleanSLO, and usually it’s a slam dunk win-win-win all the way around. The GleanSLO volunteers go to a property – either commercial or private, to glean leftover produce and take it to our local food bank. Hungry people get healthy food that would otherwise go to waste, the property owner gets a tax credit and the … Continue reading Gleaning Among the Ghosts

Off with Your Heads, Pandalus platyceros!

I’d always been curious about spot prawns, the colorful wigglers I’d see from time to time in the live tank at Pier 46 Seafood Market in Templeton. They seemed at once so ethereal, so primitive, so delicate, and so … sharp! Spot prawns, aka Pandalus platyceros, are technically shrimp, and not even prawns at all. That moniker comes from their reign as the largest member … Continue reading Off with Your Heads, Pandalus platyceros!

A Tale of Tiffins: One Person’s Doggie Bag is Another City’s Lunch Box

I’d never heard of a “tiffin” until I saw them several years ago at Luna Red restaurant in San Luis Obispo. Now, I rarely leave home without it! As you can see from the pictures, a tiffin is a round box that clamps shut and is typically used for transporting food. As the wise knower of all things – aka Wikipedia – states: “ ‘Tiffin … Continue reading A Tale of Tiffins: One Person’s Doggie Bag is Another City’s Lunch Box

Picking Flowers for the Food Bank?

A few weeks ago, as the promise of much needed rain was teasing the Central Coast, a ripe opportunity arose for the Glean SLO program. John Rourke and Chris Freitas of San Luis Berry Farm had gotten as much of an organic strawberry harvest as they could before the rain would hit, so they invited a couple local groups, including Glean SLO, to pick as much … Continue reading Picking Flowers for the Food Bank?

Favas: A Fav to Eat, But Not to Prepare

In the course of writing an article on a local CSA (Talley Farms’ Fresh Harvest, Arroyo Grande, CA), I ended up with a couple bags of freshly picked fava beans. I also ended up with a big dose of appreciation for any chefs and home cooks that serve these delectable broad beans on any sort of regular basis. Fava beans are essentially the vegetable equivalent … Continue reading Favas: A Fav to Eat, But Not to Prepare

Gleaning the County’s Bounty for the County’s Hungry

Come on, admit it. At some point in your life you’ve exuberantly purchased a six-pack (or two) of zucchini starts in the spring, and six months later your friends and neighbors are fearfully hiding from you because you’re always looking to pawn off zucchini the size of small canoes. Examples of such overabundance exist wherever food is grown – from backyard gardens to large commercial … Continue reading Gleaning the County’s Bounty for the County’s Hungry

Get Your Bánh Mì On!

Bánh mì! Where had you been all my life? As much of a sandwich lover as I am, it’s surprising that I’d never heard of bánh mì (pronounced bun me) until a few years ago. Though specific ingredients can vary, this Vietnamese sandwich is typically made with grilled meat or tofu, cucumber, jalapeño, cilantro, pickled carrots, daikon radish, and a spread such as aioli or … Continue reading Get Your Bánh Mì On!

When Life Gives You Onion Waste … Repurpose it!

There’s a lot of buzz about “sustainability,” but a recent panel discussion on January 23 (the latest event in the lecture series sponsored by Cal Poly’s CAFESCenter for Sustainability) proved that it’s here to stay – not just because it’s better for the planet, but because it can also offer businesses some significant savings to their bottom line. Indeed, one of the three tenets of … Continue reading When Life Gives You Onion Waste … Repurpose it!