Forks in the Road: Celebrating in Santa Cruz

It had been a minute since the last camping trip in Santa Cruz, so when a hard-to-come-by spot opened up at New Brighton State Beach – off we went! This timing occurred during the date of another trip ‘round the sun, and I got to celebrate with an old friend in Santa Cruz I hadn’t seen in a while, and a surprise visit from other … Continue reading Forks in the Road: Celebrating in Santa Cruz

Ice Cream That’s Good for Ewe?

No, I am not bleatin’ kidding you. Sheep’s milk ice cream has some tangible health benefits, and – because it’s not made with cow’s milk — it’s often a viable alternative for people with lactose and milk protein issues. (Lactose intolerance is fodder enough for another post, or more, so here’s the short version. Lactose is a sugar, which is broken down by the cheesemaking … Continue reading Ice Cream That’s Good for Ewe?